Erie Canal Harbor Development Corp. and Canalside

Photo Credit: Joe Casico

Community and MWBE Outreach

A member of the Eric Mower & Associates Communications Team, Jackson Parker Communications LLC is developing and leading the MWBE and Minority Outreach planning for this project.

Audience/Objective: Minority and women-owned businesses and developers/Increase awareness and involvement in current and future opportunities at Canalside.

The minority outreach plan positioned the Erie Canal Harbor Development Corp. and Canalside as leading the development momentum and embracing diversity and inclusion as key assets. An array of community outreach strategies, integrated marketing tools and informative events to engage and attract qualified MWBE contractors and developers.

Work Product Included:

  • Ongoing contact via networking events, seminars, conferences and one-on-one meetings to connect with an array of minority and women business owners.
  • Introduced idea for a Concert and Music Programming Committee that consist of diverse members of the Buffalo community who provided suggestions to create a more diverse ethnic and genre concert series. Successful strategy that resulted in positive news coverage.
  • Developed concept and text for a monthly column – “Canalside Upstate”- that appeared in minority publications.
  • Use of social media– Facebook, Twitter, Blog and graphic emails (Constant Contact) to keep business owners updated of “Need to Know” business news and events.

Jackson Parker Communications has been successful in pitching and securing positive news stories in the Buffalo News and minority publications about Canalside outreach.

Secured press and speaking opportunities for Canalside executives to connect with the minority community. Created innovative events such as “Michigan Street Meets Canalside”. This February 2015 community outreach received extensive media coverage.

See announcements from Canalside

Community and Minority Outreach, Press Releases and Media Management, Digital and Social Media Development and Maintenance

Services Used

Erie Canal Harbor Development Corp. and Canalside


Strategic Community, MWBE and Minority Outreach

Practice Areas